How to use the Poll feature on Instagram stories.

Photo sharing platform Instagram added a new feature to its Stories recently. This new feature is nothing but an interactive poll sticker that lets you ask a question and see results from your friends and followers as they vote.

"Whether you're trying to plan tomorrow's outfit, choosing which class to take or figuring out where to go for dinner, now it's easy to share a two-option poll right in your story," said the company in the blog post. It is noteworthy that these polls disappear after 24 hours as these are part of Stories.

Here is what you need to do to use this feature:

1) Open Instagram on your device.

2) Tap the Home tab at the bottom.

3) Tap your Profile icon in the top-left corner or swipe right to create a new Story.

4) Select an image to add to your story either by capturing or selecting from your photo library.

5) To add the poll, tap the Emoji icon at the top-right corner. You can also access the stickers by swiping up from the bottom of the screen.

6) Write your question and give out the two options you want. Note that you can give only two options as this poll is binary as of now.

7) Tap Next to and hit Publish.

Once this poll is active, you can see how your followers are responding in real time. For this, go to your story and swipe up to see the list of viewers and how each one of them responded.


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